Thursday, 19 March 2015


I'm sure everyone remembers when the Emma Hardie Cleansing Balm made its rounds on Youtube. However, I seemed to get the vibe that while everyone loved it, it wasn't a product they were ready to purchase for themselves. Cleansing balms are generally very expensive, even Lisa Eldridge says she only used her Eve Lom balm once a week. And yet despite their price tag, Caroline Hirrons and everyone else down the skin care ladder, praise their benefits. I was intrigued by cleansing balms initially, especially because it seemed that there weren't many on the Canadian market: Clinique and the Eve Lom (if you want to order it from Sephora). But, when Caroline mention the Ultrabland, I knew I had found the affordable cleansing balm that would fit into my regime.

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Korean Beauty Haul

Ever since I'd heard of Asian skincare, I've been intrigued and fascinated. The idea that everyone follows such a complicated routine, the fact the products and ingredients are so different to what is sold here in Canada and most important the price range of the products. I had tried sheet masks before but this time I wanted to experiment with different products. I'd been seeing Memebox come up quite a bit recently as a Korean beauty box that delivered to the States. One of the things that really stood out were these super affordable serums, each with their own active ingredient. They weren't complicated and claiming to do a million things but one main ingredient. It kind of reminded me of Skininc where you can custom make yourself a serum based on active ingredients just like these. I was sold immediately and that prompted an order with Yes Style.

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Peanut Butter Granola

After Reading Week I decided to make it a priority for me to have more variety in my lunches. Lunch is by far my least favourite meal of the day. I find it tedious to make *cough* sandwiches *cough* and I find I get bored of things quite quickly. However, one day picking up an overpriced parfait on campus, I realized just what to do with the leftover oats and honey and peanut butter I had sitting in my cupboard.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

February Wrap-Up

First of all, I am going to begin with a small apology. I have been so bogged down with work ever since I cam back from Reading Week and my projects seem to be forever piling up. This pattern might continue through to April but I promise after graduation (Oh God!) that I will have lots of time on my hands to dedicate to sticking to my uploading schedule.

Now for a very late February wrap-up...
This month, as was the trend, I decided to read fantasy novels. Despite my love for Harry Potter, I've never been a real fantasy enthusiast (in terms of adult books) but I loved fantasy a child. To be honest I've always been put off by the covers and having to search in a different section of the book store, but since reading/watching Game of Thrones, I've decided to put my prejudices aside  and I'm glad I did.