Thursday 18 December 2014

Black Friday at Book Outlet and a December TBR

The Black Friday sale at Book Outlet was too good of a deal for me to pass up and discovering BookTube has been such an enabler for book shopping (not that I needed much help in the first place!). If you aren't familiar with Book Outlet, they sell heavily discounted books, marked at the bottom with a marker dot signifying it cannot be returned to the publishers. So if you can deal with a marker dot (one of my books is even mark-free), you need to check out this website. For Black Friday, they offered the chance to get $10 off your purchase. These three books I got for free (well nothing is ever really free!) but I did pay $6.50 in shipping. 

The Whispering Muse - Sjon
The only thing you probably need to know about this book is that the author has written songs for Bjork. Actually I haven't read this book so I have no idea hoe relevant that is but it sure as hell is cool and this book sure as hell looks cool. This book is about an Icelander on a Danish merchant ship (which I'm slightly hesitant to read after the mammoth that We, the Drowned was). However, it incorporates Greek myth as the second-mate is actually a disguised Argonaut. This is a very short book and I really enjoy classic history and myth and so I'm looking forward to reading this one weekend.

Fantasy is a genre that I've never read much from (Harry Potter excluded). I find often the covers tend to be discouraging. They usually have some sort of illustration which makes them look like they are 40 years older than they should be and (I really should shake these high school prejudices) but they kinda scream "HUGE NERD". Since the popularity of Game of Thrones, we know fantasy is for everyone and so I was really excited to come across a fantasy novel with such a beautiful cover. Hopefully this will keep me tided over until GOT returns. The novel involves a young woman who is a mapmaker and is therefore tasked with travelling the kingdom. She comes across a secretive population across the border and is consequently punished. 

This novel was featured in the Indigo Spotlight and so I figured regardless of what it could be about, it was probably worth a read. I've seen this novel appear on BookTube as well as another graphic novel which involves similar themes. It is about a young woman from an aristocratic but poor family. She is approached by another aristocratic family to become the ghost bride for their son, who had passed away. This book has the historical fiction element as were as the fantasy and folklore element which I enjoy and so I'm really excited to read this. This book is also something I think my mum would enjoy so I'm also excited to share it.

December TBR

The Whispering Muse - Sjon
Eat Pretty: Nutrition For Beauty, Inside and Out - Jolene Hart
Mr. Penumbra's 24 Hour Bookstore - Robin Sloan
Gone Girl - Gillian Flynn
Wolf Hall - Hilary Mantel (my edition is unfortunately more beautiful and not stocked on Book Depository)
Bring Up the Bodies - Hilary Mantel
Sailor Moon Vol. 1 -Naoko Takeuchi
Sailor Moon Vol. 2 -Naoko Takeuchi
Sailor Moon Vol. 3 - Naoko Takeuchi

TBRs (to be read) are not going to be frequent posts as it's not often I have time to read more than a couple of books a month, but I do hope to do regular monthly wrap-ups. So stay tuned in January for reviews on the books I read over the holiday break.

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